title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, March 21, 2002
Anyone Else Would Be Audited

This is a good recap of how Roger Clinton was used to launder bribes for the Clinton organized crime family and was paid considerable sums of hush money. If this were anyone else but a member of the Clinton gang, IRS would be auditing him so fast that it would make your head spin. Having worked on hundreds of IRS audits, I know what a dogged fixation the agents have on deposits into bank accounts. They start with the assumption that every dollar is taxable income and the taxpayer has the burden of proving otherwise. I am not a gambling person; but this is an easy bet that Roger didn't report any of this money on his tax returns. Why should he? Bill & Hillary perfected the use of the IRS as their personal hit squad to attack their enemies and assist their friends.

For those who consider any talk of these kinds of Clinton crimes & scandals as old news, a few reminders. Hillary is still very serious about winning another term as President, this time under her name. It is also a fact that the IRS is still filled with Clinton cronies who are continuing their attacks on Clinton critics and harboring Clinton pals from normal scrutiny.


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