title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Friday, September 06, 2002

In most elections, it's a matter of holding your nose and voting for the lesser evil. I have long been a fan of the concept of including NOTA (None Of The Above) on every ballot. They actually have such a choice in Nevada. [No income tax, NOTA. Nevada is looking more attractive all the time.] In Tuesday's Nevada Democratic gubernatorial primary, NOTA actually came in second.

The only problem with Nevada's ballot rules is that it's more symbolic than anything. If NOTA comes in first in a race, the seat goes to the next human in line. I have always thought that if NOTA were to receive the most votes, nobody should serve in that office until the next election. There are far too many people trying to run our lives. The world wouldn't stop turning if there were one less in power. In fact, when people start to realize how little things have changed with NOTA in office, the trend could snowball.


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