title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, March 06, 2003

Budget Simulator

I came across this simulation program for the Federal budget, where you can supposedly see the effects of changes in spending and taxation on the deficit.  It looks like it may actually be very similar to the kinds of models actually used by our rulers in DC because it uses the same kind of unrealistic static based assumptions that have been proven wrong so many times that they aren't worth anything. 

Tax rate cuts are considered to be government expenditures, increasing the deficit.  This, in spite of the fact that Reagan's tax rate cuts caused a doubling of revenues and anyone with any appreciation for the real world realizes that static scoring is complete bunk and a waste of time.  Only a dynamic look can reflect the fact that people do alter their behavior when tax rates are changed.  Lower tax rates cause people to earn more taxable income, increasing the overall haul for the IRS.  Any financial model that fails to consider that is no better than just fabricating numbers out of thin air, another popular technique used by our rulers.


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