title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Saturday, March 22, 2003

Tax Cheats Under Fire

It looks like tax scammer Irwin Schiff and many of his gullible followers are looking at more prison time for using his idiotic argument that taxes are voluntary.  As I've always explained when people ask me about Schiff and this ridiculous line of reasoning, that is only half of the equation.

It's not a choice between filing tax returns or not, as Schiff claims.  People are allowed to voluntarily calculate and pay their taxes or else the IRS will do it for them.  As always, when IRS calculates one's taxes, they do it in such a way as to show the highest amount due as possible, with no deductions or exemptions. 

I have absolutely no sympathy for idiots who buy Schiff's books and attend his seminars and use his oft-debunked theories to cheat on their tax obligations.  I guess I could possibly understand following the lead of someone who has come up with a tax avoidance scheme and gotten away with it.  However, following the advice of someone who has spent several years in prison for his strategies is idiocy piled on top of stupidity. 


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