title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Monday, May 19, 2003

Caution: Tax Cuts Are Bigger Than They Appear in Budget - Some typically dishonest numbers games from our rulers in DC.  However, this time, it works in our favor.  They set artificial expiration dates for some of the tax cuts, with full intent to renew them in the next few years, just to meet their arbitrary budget numbers over a certain time frame.  Since the numbers being used to gauge the effects of the tax cuts are completely bogus to start with, I can't get too indignant over this latest charade.  While it isn't an honest way to look at financial projections, it's no less truthful than the Left's constant lies about the tax cuts causing massive deficits and only benefiting the evil richest Americans.  We just have to keep the heat on the GOP to make the cuts permanent and prevent the Donkeys from repealing them, as some of them are still trying to do with the 2001 tax cuts.

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