title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Saturday, June 14, 2003

Anti-Tax Crusaders Work for Big Shift. White House Wary Of Broad Changes

Republicans and the Earned Income Tax Credit

Bush plan too rich?

GOP caving to class warfare

Bush's spending binges - As I've said on several occasions, it's wrong to blame Bush's tax cuts for the Federal budget deficit, as the lefties are doing. However, if he doesn't start tightening the screws on the huge growth in spending, he will rightly deserve the credit for contributing to higher deficits and taxes.  His strategy of posing as a DemonRat by spending like crazy to avoid criticism will not work.  DemonRats will always hate Bush no matter what he does, and those of us who want to support him can't stomach his support of higher government spending.  

The news has been pretty good lately for average taxpayers


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