title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Friday, June 20, 2003
New Kind Of Gas tax
It's interesting how many of the ridiculous kinds of taxes, similar to those mentioned in George Harrison's classic TaxMan song, eventually become reality. We are all used to paying extra taxes while purchasing gas. Now, the New Zealanders are discussing taxing the bodily production of gas by livestock. Their argument is that burps and farts from farm animals contribute to the so-called greenhouse gas problem and thus must be taxed.

While this idea is half a world away from us in the USA, stupid ideas like this have a way of finding their way here. In spite of the fact that our real life temperatures are lower than normal and we have been having more precipitation than normal, there are still plenty of environmental wackos claiming that global warming will destroy the planet unless we stop driving our cars and shut down our industrialized society. They will jump at the chance to tax farmers for their cows' farts.

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