title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Sunday, August 10, 2003
Justice Rejected IRS Call for Enron Probe - It's interesting to note that this happened in 1999, when the Clintons were co-presidents. So much for the theory that Ken Lay and Enron had the Bush administration on their payroll. While most of the big corporate accounting scandals were publicized during the past few years, they were actually taking place under the watchful eyes of the Clinton gang, who rode the stock market bubble up for all it was worth. Let's not hold our breath waiting for anyone in the press to ask Queen Hillary about this during her current presidential campaign.

Retailers see results from child tax credit checks - People are spending their tax savings now; not next April.

Big cuts loom for Social Security, GAO warns - What? A house of cards isn't very sturdy?

Prelude to higher taxes

A call for common sense. Taxpayers wish government would budget more as they do - Common sense among our rulers is as rare as an honest politician.

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