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Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Tuesday, August 05, 2003
Who Are Tax Fighters?
It's not just people in government, or talk show hosts, or those of us who write about the need for lower taxes who are the true tax fighters. I consider anyone who assists in arranging things legally to reduce his/her own taxes, and those of others, to be warriors in the battle to allow people to keep more of their own money.

Most important is among the ranks of professional tax practitioners. There are still far too many in this country whose advice and tactics are no different than the official IRS line. This is most extreme with former IRS agents who attempt to move to the other side of the table. On far too many occasions I have seen where the mindset that all people are tax cheats is so ingrained in these people that it's a waste of time working with them at all. I check out several tax message boards on the web, and can definitely see that we who believe it is our duty to assist our clients in paying the lowest taxes legally possible are vastly outnumbered by those who think such an attitude is unpatriotic. Any tax advisors or preparers who do their best to help their clients minimize their taxes are very real tax fighters with more actual real life impact on the lives of real people than all of the theorists who may spout reams of rhetoric about the need for lower taxes, yet do nothing to put tax savings tactics into action. It has been my pleasure the past 20+ years sharing my knowledge and experience with other like-minded tax professionals.

New Tax City. Congressmen aren't the only Washington pols who want more money. - They're looking at a new commuter tax to stick it to people who live outside the DC limits. These are always excellent targets for taxes since they can't vote out the scoundrels who tax them. They used to have a slogan for this: "Taxation Without Representation."

Study says high cost of drug entitlement would force tax rise - I've long used an analogy of drug pushers getting their users hooked for how our politicians add to the size and scope of government programs. With this new program, that is no longer an analogy. Just as they did with Medicare, our rulers are intentionally underestimating the expected costs for this new benefit for Seniors. By the time the true costs are apparent, people will be so addicted to the government program that to do anything but raise taxes to pay for it will be considered the same as murdering old people, a commonly used accusation from the DemonRats.

Judging the New Nevada Tax Hike. CSE Launches Petition Drive Against the Renegade Tax-and-Spend Nevada Supreme Court

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