title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Annual List of Richest Americans Released

YMCAs: From Community Service to Community Disservice - Nonprofits aren't supposed to compete directly with regular tax paying businesses.

A new 'commandment' from Alabama - It's the same one Bush 41 violated and lost his job as a result, No New Taxes.

California's real problem - Why I decided to leave the PRC 11 years ago.

House Approves Tax Cuts - We may see a limited deduction for charitable contributions for non-itemizers.

House Votes Unanimously to Permanently Ban Internet Access Taxes

Davis/Clinton Church Rally Sparks Call for IRS Investigation - The way DemonRats routinely violate the laws against running political campaigns in churches is not likely to stop.

At the trough - The reckless spending spree by our rulers (GOP & Dims) in DC shows no sign of slowing down.

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