title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Sunday, November 16, 2003
Cattle Rushed to Market as the Price of Beef Soars - This is excellent news for cattle ranchers, including many of our clients and neighbors. Most people have no appreciation for how risky farming is. I can't think of any other occupation that is so much at the mercy of elements completely out of one's control, such as the weather and world commodity markets.

Iraq Has a Flat Tax. We Don't. Why? - Good question.

Call for Increased Tax Shelter Penalties - Buying scam tax shelters should get people in trouble. There are plenty of easy common sense steps to reduce taxes, such as using C corps, that breaking the law can't be condoned, even by someone as anti-tax as I am.

N.Y.C. is capital of taxes. State & local levies here highest in U.S. - It should be no surprise that the PRC is in second place.

More retirees still paying mortgages - This is actually a good thing. Owning a home free and clear, yet having no cash with which to play is not a good way for seniors to spend their golden years. They have no obligation of any kind to preserve all of their wealth for their kids and should be enjoying the fruits of their labors and investments while they are still alive.

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