title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Monday, December 01, 2003
Some tax knowledge can make for a happier New Year - Some standard year-end tax tips.

IRS Set to Resolve Disputes Online - I signed up for this service about a month ago after receiving an invitation from IRS. They said it would take six to eight weeks to activate my account; so I will report on how well it works once I am up and running with it. My big hope is that this will allow us to better track how IRS applies payments. It has long been frustrating trying to prepare tax returns when IRS has applied estimated tax payments to the wrong tax year. This has been happening more often, even when the clients have been writing the year on the face of their check. If this new system works as advertised, I may start verifying each payment with the IRS's computer before posting it to my clients' tax returns.

McCain says Congress spends 'like drunken sailor' - McCain knows that all too well. He also has a good point that Bush's support of this reckless spending earns him the drunken sailor description as well.

Special-Interest School Tax - Rob "MeatHead" Reiner is at it again, trying to raise annual property taxes in the PRC by $4.5 billion.

Do the fund scandals merit regulatory intrusion? - The free market does have a way of cleaning itself up without the need for more idiotic regulations.

Social Security reform breakthrough - A novel idea - allowing people to put their retirement money into real accounts rather than the phony baloney Ponzi scheme that is the current SS system

Let the Campaign For Social Security Reform Begin

What Should Reaganites Do Now? - Bush and the GOP have abandoned the principles of smaller less expensive government.

Medicare expansion and the mirage of fiscal responsibility

A look at the 25 House Republicans who voted against Medicare expansion.

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