title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Saturday, December 20, 2003
Watchdog: About 400,000 Use Tax Dodges - I have no idea how many people are using offshore accounts to hide income; and the truth is that the IRS has no idea either. Whenever I have contacted IRS personnel to ask how they calculate their estimates of the tax gap of uncollected taxes, they admit to me that they have no way of knowing any such thing with any level of certainty and their figures are just SWAGs (scientific wild ass guesses). I'm sure this 400,000 figure is nothing more than that and is intended to attract more attention (and money from Congress) than the more probable figure of something like 10,000. Luckily for the IRS, they are never required to substantiate their figures by any of our rulers or anyone in the media who just accept everything they are given as gospel.

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