title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, February 05, 2004
Real Estate Gurus
For decades now, late night TV has been filled with infomercials for so-called real estate gurus hawking their get rich quick schemes. I've written about these charlatans before and the fact that almost all of them make most of their money selling their books, tapes and seminars and don't do much actual real estate investing. Back in the Bay Area, I used to do tax returns for some of them; so this isn't just conjecture on my part.

I recently came across some good discussions of these people.

John T. Reed has a very detailed review of several of the hucksters on his website, including Robert T. Kiyosaki, who is also the subject of this skepticism from Jessica Swesey.

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