title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
As Virginia mulls a tax hike, all Americans should guard their wallets.

Isn't That Rich? - Good review by Neil Cavuto of how multi-millionaire elitists like John Kerry & John Edwards try to pretend to be just like average Americans.

Ex-governors slam Virginia tax boosts

Some GOP Lawmakers Aim To Scale Back Bush Tax Cuts - It's bad enough, and to be expected, that the DemonRats would oppose tax cuts and want to raise taxes as much as possible; but now we have to worry some more about about RINOs joining them.

Cutting Social Security benefits isn't the answer - Jack Kemp weighs in on the SS mess.

Dr. Kevorkian's Social Security Solution: Cut Seniors, Not Benefits - I've long thought that it would make a great plot for a thriller for someone in power to try "fixing" the Social Security mess by killing off older people. Since uncollected benefits are forfeited at death, it would work miracles at balancing that system the way it is currently set up. Letting people control their own money and leave it to their heirs would avoid such motivation by over-zealous budget balancers in DC.

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