title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Monday, April 05, 2004
Loophole makes drive time less taxing for state pols - This sounds more like sour grapes and resentment by the legislators who love too close to the capitol to be able to claim the larger out of town tax deductions.

E-mail tax forecast - The longer our rulers in DC take to address the issue of taxing the Internet, the less likely the chances of a reinstatement of the recently expired moratorium; especially if a bunch of tax hungry States and local jurisdictions jump in soon to fee off of this new source of revenue.

John Kerry admits corporate taxes are too high, but his plan would make things worse - Consistent with his practice of taking every side of every issue.

John Kerry Camp Hits Bush for 'Drunken Sailor' Spending - It takes one to know one. In fact, his mentor, Teddy Kennedy is the real thing - a lying politician who is also a very real drunken sailor (and driver).

GOP Sen. Specter Challenged From Right - The Club For Growth is doing a great job going after this RINO from PA.

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