title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Friday, August 20, 2004
John Kerry is lying about the economy and the New York Times proves it - Of course. He lies about everything. Who would have thought the DemonRats could scrape up a candidate who makes Bill Clinton appear honest by comparison?

President Can Reform Social Security Without Raising Taxes or Cutting Benefits

Global Taxes Are Back, Watch Your Wallet

Elimination of the Internal Revenue Service

Auditor Turnover: SEC Seeks 'The Rest of the Story' - It's long been an obvious sign of funny business going on in a company's accounting when their CPA firm refuses to handle the audit any more.

M.B.A. Students May Lose Tax Break - The cases cited are mainly for W-2 employees who deducted their education costs on Schedule A. As with most deductions, this kind of thing is more powerful tax-wise as a Schedule C deduction, which is how I claimed my MBA costs. As required to be deductible, the MBA classes didn't qualify me to do anything new (I was already a CPA), but the things I learned have been very useful in running my businesses and servicing my clients.

Real Tax Cuts, Imaginary Analysis

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