title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Income Gapology 101 - One of the most insidious beliefs held by many in our society is that it's wrong for any person to have even one dollar more than anyone else; and until every person has the exact same amount of wealth, it is important for the government to continue its redistribution programs by taking from those who have more and giving to those who have less.

The coming fiscal civil war - The Social Security house of cards can't survive much longer.

Store Clerk Accepts Fake $200 Bill, Makes Change - As if there is any doubt that the dumbing down of the American populace is proceeding.

The supply-side Governator nailed it

'Human piggy bank' spills all in Thailand - Even if you don't trust banks, there are plenty of safer ways to protect one's money than by swallowing it.

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