title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Saturday, February 26, 2005
Offending Tax Protestors

Deep down, I know it’s not politically correct to make fun of people with low intelligence and learning disabilities; but these morons who continue to hold onto the idiotic tax protestor arguments deserve it, especially this time of year.

Adam, the tax protestor whose letter I shared yesterday, wasn’t happy with my response.  It sounds as if he is a lonely fellow and has a lot of time on his hands, so I’m sure he would love to hear from others on this matter as well.

From: Kungfurez@aol.com

Subject: name calling

       I understand your frustration after having dealt with this issue for so long. While I can see that you no longer want to deal with this issue, I found it a bit insulting that you would respond to my questions with more name-calling. I did file taxes last year and don't need you telling me that I'm a "protester" because I have some legitimate questions that your webpage didn't answer. This is the same name-calling that labels someone protesting our government's position in Iraq as "unamerican." I have written to acknowledged tax protesters and asked them a slew of questions as well, often challenging their less than adequate answers. Perhaps your ideal client is one who just hands you a check and doesn't ask any questions.
       I've gone to quatloos. They questioned whether Joe Bannister actually even attended the college he says he did, which is just plain stupid as a 2-minute call to the university could verify or disprove that information. Again more name calling and less factual information. You could have responded to me with something like, "I no longer deal with this issue. Here is a webpage you can go to for more information." Yet more name calling to someone asking legitimate questions--whether you heard these questions before or not--does not in my mind strengthen the argument. I would suggest you remove your webpage which contains no information and just name calling if you don't want anyone to pursue any questions regarding it.


My Reply:


I'm not sure what you consider to be name calling.  If it's referring to tax protestors like Irwin Schiff as "nut jobs," that is simply a statement of fact.

If you are upset about being considered as a tax protestor just because you sent me the exact same letter as hundreds of other tax protestors have, that's your problem.  You could have phrased things in a more original fashion so as not to be lumped together with the rest of your ilk.

I was actually quite lenient with you in my earlier email.  Anyone who is more than 12 years old who doesn't understand that income taxes are not voluntary has some intelligence problems that I didn't want to be insensitive to.

If you don't like my web sites, just don't visit them any more.  There are millions of others that will more than keep you occupied.  Most of them use words that are simple enough even for folks like you to understand.

Kerry Kerstetter

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