title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Do People Underpay Their Taxes?

From a reader:

H&R Block is running a commercial claiming that their free tax review of older returns, performed if you buy their tax prep service, saves the customer an average of $1500 in taxes. If true, and given that most taxpayers do their taxes themselves, I find it difficult to reconcile with IRS claims that taxpayers underpay their taxes.
My Reply:
Excellent observation.

In their own less direct way, Block is obviously agreeing with my point that most people are over-paying their taxes and not ripping off the government, as claimed by IRS and their lackeys in the press.

Thanks for sharing that.

Kerry Kerstetter
I finally saw this commercial on TV last night. However, I can’t find the claim on their website.  The point is still very valid, especially considering the fact that Block is not known for being anywhere close to the cutting edge of tax saving strategies.

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