title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Deja Vu All Over Again

From Ohio CPA Dana Stahl:

Subject: Tax reform panel
Mr Guru - I spent this morning reviewing & organizing some of my files.  I came across a comment from your blog dated 1/10/05 concerning the President's Tax Reform Panel.  Your comments were quite prophetic, indeed, as the Panel's final product & recommendations (at least as I understand it) are nothing more than tinkering with the tax code around the edges, but no "real" reform.  That would involve scrapping the whole damned mess & starting over.  So, your skepticism was well-founded on how the Panel would not really change anything.
Dana Stahl, CPA
Sandusky, OH


My Reply:


As I constantly have to remind people who get their hopes up each time a tax reform agenda is announced, we've been down this road countless times, with the same results.  A tax code as insanely packaged as we have can't be fixed patchwork style without completely removing it and starting from scratch with something new.  We just continue to end up with different variations of Frankenstein monsters.



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