title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Monday, August 21, 2006
Donating Used Items

A provision in the most recently enacted tax law tightens up on the condition of used items donated to charity for which a deduction may be claimed.

From QuickFinder's summary of the new law:

Charitable Donations of Clothing And Household Items. For contributions after the August 17, 2006, no deduction is allowed for contributions of clothing or household goods unless the items are in good used condition or better. This rule does not apply to donations of a single item valued at $500 or more, if a qualified appraisal is included with the return. (Note: The new law does not define “good used condition”.)

From F.R. Duplantier:

For Bill Clinton, it just isn't fair
That donations be in good repair:
What to do with worn socks,
Dirty hankies and jocks,
And his raggedy old underwear?

Joe Kristan also covered this a few weeks back.

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