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Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Improper property taxes?

Calls Grow to Cap Property Taxes – It’s been more than 30 years since the infamous Proposition 13 was passed in California in 1978 to try to hold the line on property tax hikes.  It’s about time that more people in other states start fighting back against this immoral tax rather than just bending over and allowing their rulers to continue the fiscal raping of home owners.

While I despise pretty much all taxes, since they are really nothing more than methods for politicians to confiscate money from the public in order to spend on their own pet projects, property taxes are the least voluntary kind there is because you do absolutely nothing and are hit with them.  Most taxes are generated by doing things, such as earning income, buying or selling things.  Property taxes are new annual levies assessed on assets that you already own, and as many people unfortunately discover, the penalty for not paying them is the loss of the property itself.  Older folks who happen to live in appreciating areas are forced to sell their homes because they can’t afford to pay the annual “rent“ on their own property.  That is immoral and completely counter to the concept of private property ownership. 



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