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Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, January 08, 2009
News Tidbits:

Legality of proposed California tax plan in question – The rulers in Sacramento are trying to use sneaky tricks to get around the state’s two-thirds requirement for new taxes. Calling new charges “Fees” instead of “Taxes” is supposed to allow them immunity from the law. 

Detroit lawyer gets 5-cent IRS bill, 4-cent refund Classic case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is up to.

A nicer IRS?

IRS Speeds Lien Relief for Homeowners Trying to Refinance, Sell – from IRS.

IRS Offering Leniency Plan For Taxpayers – from WSJ

IRS agents soften heart for delinquent taxpayers – from AP.


Many Taxpayers Stand to Gain From New Laws – WSJ’s Tom Herman reviews some of the 2009 tax changes that are already on the books.  As we all know, many more changes are in the offing based on what our new rulers in DC feel like doing in the next few months.


Confusing Tax Rules Under Fire – Has there ever been a more obvious headline?  Again, as always when our rulers try to simplify the tax laws, there will be much more work for us sorting out their even more complicated mess.  My infamous poster still fits the bill here.


Madoff Is a Piker – John Stossel with another comparison of Madoff’s Ponzi scheme and the much larger Ponzi scheme called Social Security.


Tyranny of the Tax-Exempt – Dick Morris notices that the proposed Obama “tax cuts” are really more welfare payments.


Are Tax Revolts a Thing of the Past? – With higher taxes being touted as the patriotic thing to accept, those of us who complain are going to be demonized even more.


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