The ecology and physiology of decapods of mangrove swamps. Authors; Authors and affiliations; Tatsuya Shinnaka; Mitsuhiko Sano; Kou Ikejima; Prasert Tongnunui ; Masahiro Horinouchi; Hisashi Kurokura; Article. A. Guevara-Mancera, A. Zamora-Guzmán, H. Rodríguez-Cruz, and H. E. Bravo-Pazmiño, “Diagnóstico y Zonificación Preliminar de los Manglares del Pacífico de Colombia,” Proyecto PD 171/91 Rev.2 (F) Fase I. Conservación y Manejo Para el Uso Múltiple de los Manglares de Colombia, MinAmbiente/OIMT. Small individuals of Scatophagus argus, Ambassis nalua, and Tetraodon nigroviridis were more common at the mangrove site, and of Chelon subviridis at the cleared site. The ‘borders’ that demarcate human settlements with newly-destroyed forest are actually attractive to animal life. This study documents comparative variations of macrofaunal densities in a deforested area and a natural mangrove area in Gazi Bay, Kenya, during 1993. The Mangroves of Kenya: Introduction. Similar groups of both epifauna and infauna were recorded in the two areas with differences in distribution along transects in different sampling sessions. Conversion of mangrove forests to land for commodity crops has played a significant role in the deforestation of Southeast Asia. Trees of the mangrove Avicennia africana which once probably covered the patch can be seen in the background. The IUCN Wetlands Programme. The report indicates that the effects of climate change could result in a loss of a further 10 - 15 per cent of mangroves by year 2100. Clearing mangrove areas due to natural disturbances such as hurricanes has resulted in introgressions by fast-growing mangrove and nonmangrove species [61–65], and it is likely that selective logging and clear cutting may produce similar outcomes [46]. and Howell, K. 1992. In: Crafter, S.A., Njuguna, S.G. and Howard, G.W. 1988. P. rhizophorae is found in the Caribbean only in a few locations in Colombia, contrary to its codominance along the Pacific coast of Central and South America [72–74]. F.A.O. Hence mangrove deforestation decreases biodiversity. Vanhove, S. and Vincx, M. 1990. 1976. The mangroves of the Eastern African region. 1962. Marine Biology 111: 247–254. Effects of mangrove deforestation on mangrove mud crab fishery: Ngomeni-Malindi, Kenya by Esther Fondo (2012-07-23): Books - 1992. Anthropogenic development reduces the island's mangrove forests, threatening the health of surrounding coral reefs. 5 Employing an interdisciplinary approach proved to be useful to demonstrate that basin mangroves are the most threatened physiognomy by deforestation due to their proximity to expanding pastures and villages. An ethnoecological approach has also proven to be useful for understanding the drivers of deforestation [6, 29–32], while ecological economics have helped to account for the costs of mangrove conversion to other uses in a few case studies (e.g., [33]). Area and structure parameters (mean values) for mangroves in the Urabá Gulf. Copyright © 2012 J. F. Blanco et al. Moreover, healthy mangroves act as a buffer, protecting coastal areas from the effects of floods and tsunamis, thus contributing to coastal communities’ ability to adapt as the frequency and severity of such events increases due to climate change. In addition, different mangrove types (e.g., riverine, fringing, basin) provide specific services and support coastal fisheries to a different extent [6, 7], but they may also provide differential carbon capture capabilities [8–11]. The ecology of the mangrove at Inhaca Island, Mozambique. In conclusion, selective (noncommercial and unplanned) logging in Urabá Gulf mangroves, particularly in the Eastern Coast, already shows signs of unsustainability, and it is worsened by the rapid mangrove conversion to pastures. H. Sánchez-Páez, R. Álvarez-León, F. Pinto-Nolla et al., “Diagnóstico y Zonificación Preliminar de los Manglares del Caribe de Colombia,” Proyecto. 1974. Informe principal,” Contrato No 056/88, INDERENA REGIONAL ANTIOQUIA-ECOFOREST, Turbo, Colombia, 1990. Deforestation rates in mangroves are four times greater than those in terrestrial tropical rain forests. 6. The Mangrove Ecosystems for Climate Change Adaptation and Livelihoods (MESCAL) project is a four-year project (2010-2013) funded by the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). Martens, E.E. J. F. Blanco, M. Londoño-Mesa, and L. Quan-Young, “The Urabá Gulf mangrove expedition of Colombia,”, M. Coll, A. C. Fonseca, and J. Cortés, “El manglar y otras asociaciones vegetales de la laguna de Gandoca, Limón, Costa Rica,”, H. M. Guzmán, P. A. G. Barnes, C. E. Lovelock, and I. C. Feller, “A site description of the CARICOMP mangrove, seagrass and coral reef sites in Bocas del Toro, Panama,”, L. E. Urrego, E. C. Molina, J. This study was conducted from November 2009 to February 2011 in two deforested mangrove areas in Sitio Bagatnan, Brgy. Ecosystem-Wide Impacts of Deforestation in Mangroves: The Urabá Gulf (Colombian Caribbean) Case Study, Instituto de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, Departamento de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia, D. M. Alongi, “Present state and future of the world's mangrove forests,”, E. J. Farnsworth and A. M. Ellison, “The global conservation status of mangroves,”, I. Valiela, J. L. Bowen, and J. K. York, “Mangrove forests: one of the world's threatened major tropical environments,”, S. Rist and F. Dahdouh-Guebas, “Ethnosciences—a step towards the integration of scientific and indigenous forms of knowledge in the management of natural resources for the future,”, B. The oil spill in Guimaras caused 0.932 ha mangrove deforestation three months after the incident, which was distributed to four patches in the municipality of Nueva Valencia (Sadaba et al. Dahdouh-Guebas and Koedam [34] proposed that a transdisciplinary approach is required in order to advance in the knowledge of complex issues such as deforestation and climate change in mangroves. R. mangle is predominantly exploited for poles, but their commerce is poorly attractive [42], as evidenced by the piles commonly abandoned in informal markets, streets, or even in the field. 6. Deforestation negatively affects benthic communities; however, there are a few accounts on the direct and indirect impacts and mechanisms. Therefore, selective logging seems to unbalance carbon allocation among species rather than promoting a net loss in total reservoir. In addition to selective logging, clear cutting of basin-type mangroves is a common practice for establishing pastures, thus extracting most of tree biomass and leaving a few standing A. germinans trees. Meynecke, S. Dittmann et al., “A world without mangroves?”. Extraction of poles from R. mangle trees with DBH < 15 cm has also been reported from Venezuela [53]. Thesis Summary. Martens, E.E. Computed from structure data from Urrego et al. These results suggest that mangrove deforestation exerts marked effects on fish assemblages. Mangrove deforestation drivers in the Colombian Caribbean coast may be similar to the observed in the Greater Caribbean Basin [16, 23], although rates seem to be lower than the few published examples from México and Panamá, two major Latin American hotspots [13]. A. germinans formed nearly monospecific stands in the interior (basin) of the Eastern Coast mangroves. Aquaculture was a major pressure on mangrove systems during this period, but its dominance was lower than expected, contrary to popular development narratives. Introduction to the study of meiofauna. PD 171/91 Rev.2 (F) Fase I. Conservación y Manejo Para el Uso Múltiple de los Manglares de Colombia, MinAmbiente/OIMT. PubMed Google Scholar, Fondo, E., Martens, E. Effects of mangrove deforestation on macrofaunal densities, Gazi Bay, Kenya. Retrouvez Effects of mangrove deforestation on mangrove mud crab fishery: Ngomeni-Malindi, Kenya et des millions de livres en stock sur The Urabá Gulf (also known as the Darién Ecoregion) is the southernmost location of mangroves in the Caribbean basin (Figure 1), where presumably well-developed and extensive mangrove stands are found, exceeding the figures observed along the Caribbean coasts of Costa Rica, Panamá, and Southern Colombia [18, 37, 38]. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Fiddler crabs of the world (Ocypodidae: genus Uca). Other more striking effects of mangrove deforestation include a decreased availability of wood, fish and prawn, less revenue paid to government in terms of royalties and tourist fees, an increase in coastal erosion and eventual reduction of seagrasses and coral reefs. Macintosh, D.J. In addition, mangroves along Eastern Coast and the northeastern vicinity of Urabá Gulf have probably shrunken as a consequence of the steady coastline retreat experienced (1–50 m/yr; [45]). Mangrove leaders responsible to advance the reforestation work for Fragments of Hope have been monitoring the progress of the reforestation project. Extinctions and invasions in species-poor mangrove in the Neotropics are expected to bring notorious ecosystem-wide effects [75]. Bogotá D.C., Colombia, 1997. For instance, the effectiveness of protected areas (PAs) at halting mangrove deforestation is known to vary across Central and South America (López-Angarita et al., 2018). Selective logging of R. mangle and clear-cutting of basin mangroves promoted introgressions by L. racemosa and the mangrove fern A. aureum in periurban sites, and they were a clear sign of cryptic ecological degradation. In contrast to selective logging, a major impact is predicted from mangrove conversion to pasture as the entire above-ground reservoir is translocated to the ground as dead wood, in situ decomposed, and gradually washed away or emitted to the atmosphere [60]. Mangroves are a highly threatened ecosystem, as they are converted into other uses such as aquaculture and agriculture. Noté /5. South American mangroves exhibit the lowest rates compared to Asia, Africa, Northern and Central America; however, a high regional variability is observed, and hotspots do exist [13]. A guide to marine life of south African shores. Given the clumped distribution of N. virginea, the percent of sampling quadrats with snails was a reliable indicator of impact due to selective logging and of “edge effect” in the mangrove-pasture transition (Figures 6(b) and 6(c); [41]). Mangroves dominate tropical coasts and provide important services to humans, yet they are one of the most threatened ecosystems partially due to deforestation [1–3]. 6. Changes in patterns of macrofaunal distribution in mangrove ecosystems at the Kenyan coast due to natural and un-natural causes. Bogotá D.C., Colombia, 1997. For coastal communities fishing is a main source of income; a dwindling fish population means little to no income for many households. At an ecoregional scale, we observed that Littorinopsis angulifera (Gastropoda: Littorinidae) and Neritina virginea (Gastropoda: Neritidae), two iconic species in Caribbean mangroves, lacked adults or individuals at all, respectively, in small mangrove patches seemly shrinking due to deforestation and coastal erosion, along the northern and eastern coasts of the Urabá Gulf [76 1… While mangroves located in the Atrato River Delta (3846 ha) and the Rionegro Cove (342 ha), the most extensive areas, have seemly experienced little change in extent during more than two decades, mangroves settled along the Eastern Coast (León River and Punta Coquito: 192 ha; Guadualito and Currulao rivers: 214 ha; Punta Yarumal and Turbo Bay: 145 ha; Caimán Nuevo River: 103 ha) have been dramatically shrunk due to expanding agricultural and pasture lands and urban areas, particularly near the Turbo Municipality (247 638 inhabitants). Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, P.O. 0 Box 81651, Mombasa, Kenya, Kenya Wildlife Service, P.O. H. Sánchez-Páez, R. Álvarez-León, O. Recently, Urrego et al. Crane, J. This is a preview of subscription content, log into check access. Mangroves are ecologically important and extensive in the Neotropics, but they are visibly threatened by selective logging and conversion to pastures in the Southern Caribbean. > These figures may be more variable and dramatic at a subcountry level, bearing in mind that coarse-scale inventories using satellite imagery tend to overestimate mangrove cover due to low spatial resolution and heavy cloud cover (as observed in many areas of the Pacific coast and the Urabá region in the Caribbean coast) [14]. ELICE contribution No. pp. Mapping this change has been, however, elusive despite the publication of mangrove cover and conservation status maps by the National Mangrove Inventory Project during the nineties [17, 18] and the fine-scale efforts conducted by state-level environmental boards afterwards [21]. 2nd edition. Such practices in mangroves and coastal-plain forests are responsible for high annual deforestation rates (1.9% [51]) exceeding those observed in Colombian terrestrial forest hotspots [52]. As a reference, R. mangle tree diameter was logarithmically skewed towards small values, with a few trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) > 30 cm, in isolated fringing mangroves (Atrato River delta, Rionegro Cove, and Puerto Cesar-Punta Coquito). Workshop on Wetlands Conservation. In contrast, the bottom-dwelling and numerically dominant gastropod N. virginea moves extensively along the intertidal zone covered by mangroves due to their diadromous behavior [40, 78, 79], and, therefore, selective logging and clearing promote population fragmentation because they cannot venture out of the flooded areas, particularly into the newly established pastures [40, 41]. 1 Deforestation: Causes, Effects and Control Strategies Sumit Chakravarty 1, S. K. Ghosh 2, C. P. Suresh 2, A. N. Dey 1 and Gopal Shukla 3 1Department of Forestry 2Pomology & Post Harvest Technology, Faculty of Horticulture Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari 3ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Research Center, Plandu Ranchi India 1. Ruwa, R.K. 1988. A total of 53 REM mangroves were established as part of the initial training and follow-up activities. and Kazungu, J.M. Mangrove development is probably boosted by the large freshwater discharge of the Atrato River (Q = 4,155 m3/s, the second largest in the Caribbean Coast of Colombia, after the Magdalena River), fed by the heavy rain of the Chocó Region, one of the world’s highest. Day, J.H. Coastal Wetland Utilization. Fringing mangroves at the Atrato River Delta stored the greatest amount of aboveground carbon (89.3 Mg C/ha) in comparison to the Eastern Coast mangroves (Table 2). H. Sánchez-Páez, G. A. Ulloa-Delgado, and R. Álvarez-León, Eds., “Hacia la recuperación de los manglares del Caribe de Colombia,” Proyecto PD 171/91 Rev.2 (F) Fase II, Etapa II. The most recent inventory conducted as part of the Urabá Gulf Mangrove Expedition [35, 36] updated mangrove extent and structure using color-high-resolution aerial photographs (1 : 10,000, pixel size 30 × 30 cm) taken along a 609 km coastline, accompanied with field surveys in 79 circular 500 m2-plots during 2009 (Figure  1 and Table  1 in [39]). Freshwater diversions can also lead to mangroves drying out. Uses and sizes for a given mangrove species may differ from one place to another even within a single region in many parts of the world [29, 32]. Ecological study of the benthos of the mangroves and surrounding beaches at Gazi Bay, Kenya. 0 Sign up here as a reviewer to help fast-track new submissions. 354–377. Part of Springer Nature. In addition, extraction of woody and nonwoody products has degraded many mangrove areas thus translating in low stature and slim diameter development [19–21]. Ecology 68: 266–273. Interestingly, both L. racemosa and A. aureum, otherwise mangrove intrograders, also coexisted naturally with the swamp bloodwood Pterocarpus officinalis, and other two mangrove species in coastal forests developed in very low salinities in the southern part of the Urabá Gulf (e.g., Punta Coquito-Puerto Cesar). < By 2003, it was estimated that 6993 ha of mangroves existed in the Urabá Gulf using satellite images [17, 42]. Such a population growth has been powered by the profitable banana industry comprising 50359 ha of plantations and exports scoring 55.1 millions of cases [44]. Yet most of the information about deforestation remains as grey literature [15–18, 21], and, unfortunately, quantitative assessments of mangrove deforestation (using both follow-up remote sensing and field inventories) at a subnational level are scant and limited to strategic ecoregions such as the Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta [22]. Mangroves in the Eastern Coast have been decimated and have produced unskewed tree-diameter (DBH) distributions due to the overexploitation of Rhizophora mangle for poles (DBH range: 7–17 cm) and of Avicennia germinans for planks and pilings (DBH Although ethnoecological studies have been instrumental for reconstruction of past uses of mangroves and impacts derived [8, 46, 47, 54], more studies are urged for the Neotropics because a few case studies exist (e.g., Mexico: [55], Venezuela: [53]) and most of the examples concentrate in the Indopacific [6]. 1 J. F. Blanco, E. A. Estrada, L. F. Ortiz, L. E. Urrego, "Ecosystem-Wide Impacts of Deforestation in Mangroves: The Urabá Gulf (Colombian Caribbean) Case Study", International Scholarly Research Notices, vol. Finally, selective logging might be responsible for local extinction of the vulnerable mangrove species Pelliciera rhizophorae (Figure 3: Puerto Cesar-Punta Coquito and Atrato River Delta; but recently recorded in Punta Las Vacas). 78: 191–198. Selective logging promoted canopy gaps, alteration of forest structure, and sediment trampling, while mangrove conversion to pastures promoted increased soil temperature and desiccation and eliminated hard substrates (trees, prop roots, seedlings, and pneumatophores) (Figure 4, Figures 6(a), and 6(d)). MacNae, W. and M. Kalk. Warner, G.F. 1969. Effects of mangrove deforestation on mangrove mud crab fishery: Ngomeni-Malindi, Kenya (9783659177378): Fondo, Esther, Kimani, Edward, Odongo, Dixon: Books Effects of mangrove deforestation on fish assemblage at Pak Phanang Bay, southern Thailand. Mangrove conservation must consider diverse socio-economic, cultural and political challenges that vary across regions and nations (Friess et al., 2016). A. Suárez, H. Ruiz, and J. Polanía, “Distribución, composición y estructura de los manglares del golfo de Urabá,” in, J. F. Blanco and M. C. Castaño, “Efecto de la conversión del manglar a potrero sobre la densidad y tallas de dos gasterópodos en el delta del río Turbo (golfo de Urabá, Caribe colombiano),”. The basin mangrove physiognomy and the dominant species (A. germinans) are also threatened, because, in contrast to the rest of the Caribbean, only small patches exist naturally at the Eastern Coast of the Urabá Gulf. Macintosh, D.J. The early inventories conducted in the most pristine areas (Atrato River Delta and Rionegro Cove) revealed that self-thinning was the most evident driver of structure in red mangrove stands ( Zonation and distribution of Creek and fringe mangroves in the semi-arid Kenyan coast. Schrijvers, J. In addition to the limited information about rates and drivers of mangrove deforestation, there is a lack of understanding on how specific activities such as selective logging and mangrove reclamation have impacted forest structure, faunal diversity, and services to humans, particularly in the Neotropics. 0 2012, Article ID 958709, 14 pages, 2012., 1Instituto de Biología, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia, 2Departamento de Ciencias Forestales, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín, Colombia. MSc. volume 2, pages75–83(1998)Cite this article. 98–116. The world is losing its mangroves at a faster rate than global deforestation, the United Nations on 29 September 2014 revealed, adding that the destruction of the coastal habitats was costing billions in economic damages and impacting millions of lives. This figure is, in absolute terms, rather ... global biodiversity and the effects thereof will have a worldwide impact. Mangroves offer provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural services [4–6]. Nonetheless, the low total aboveground C reservoir in basin mangroves in Punta Las Vacas-Punta Yarumal (17.5 MgC/ha) and the relatively high proportion stored in L. racemosa (5.2 MgC/ha = 30% of total reservoir) may reflect a strong pressure by selective logging and pasture expansion. This region remained poorly explored by ecologists during most of the 20th century due to public order issues, and mangrove forest inventories were limited to specific areas of interest [35]. Mangrove biomass was traditionally appreciated as a major ecosystem good, but its importance in the coastal carbon budget has been recently highlighted [10, 11, 49, 56, 57]. 8 It is intuitively accepted that deforestation depletes aboveground carbon reservoirs. Fondo, E.N. This isn’t just a case of creatures being forced to ‘flee’ destruction. Martens, E.E. Robertson, A.I, and Daniel, P.A. These include creating a global mangrove fund, … Box 82144, Mombasa, Kenya, You can also search for this author in = < At a landscape scale, we also reported that both selective logging and mangrove reclamation were responsible for reduced density in N. virginea (as well as in Melampus coffeus-Ellobiidae, a typical mangrove pulmonate gastropod) in Punta Yarumal in the vicinity of Turbo [40]. 59: 315–341. A lack of A. germinans trees of DBH > 40 cm evidenced the extraction for planks and pilings. For instance, clearing pneumatophores in small-scale deforestations for building walkways and trails was correlated with a decline in density and species richness in the entire community, particularly on gastropods [87]. Water circulation dynamics, water column nutrients and plankton productivity in a well-flushed tropical Bay in Kenya. Deforestation of mangroves is occurring at an alarming pace of approximately 150,000 ha per year. [39] reported on the impact of selective logging in suburban mangroves (Table 1). It is in contrast with the observed in some areas of Mexico, where L. racemosa is preferably exploited for woody products over A. germinans and R. mangle, species that are mostly used for nonwoody products (i.e., medicine and leather dying), while no wood is burned for charcoal production [29]. Anthropogenic development reduces the island's mangrove forests, threatening the health of surrounding coral reefs. KWS Internal Report. Journal of Animal Ecology 43: 51–69. Annual population growth rate (1993–2005) in this municipality (7.2%) is threefold compared to state- and national-level figures [43]. In the Urabá Gulf, selective logging has been traditionally conducted by fishermen for direct households and small-scale commerce in Turbo (Figure 4). In: Wildlife Clubs of Kenya. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. The report recommends several measures to conserve and restore mangroves. Jones, D.A. . No correlation was observed between the selective logging of A. germinans and the IVI of L. racemosa in basin mangroves, contrary to the observed in Belizean [64] and Puerto Rican [66] mangroves. Observed above-ground carbon reservoirs in the Urabá Gulf are within the range observed in the Tropics [10, 11, 49, 56, 57]. Selective logging seems to reduce total mangrove biomass and carbon, particularly in basin mangroves, but more importantly it is clearly altering allocation among species by reducing the storage in R. mangle and A. germinans and increasing the L. racemosa reservoir. Effects Of Mangrove Destruction In Mumbai Environmental Sciences Essay. - Colombia’s Caribbean Coast harbors 88250 ha of mangroves strongly threatened by human activities [15–18]. Southeast Asia has the greatest diversity of mangrove species in the world, and mangrove forests provide multiple ecosystem services upon which millions of people depend. Therefore, conservation efforts should prevent clearing mangroves in the Atrato River delta in order to avoid releasing significant amounts of carbon to the atmosphere and to the ocean, thus negatively impacting the Gulf’s budget. Indiscriminate felling of trees in the greater parts of Dhaka, Mymensingh, Rajshahi, Rangpur, and Dinajpur has resulted in an alarming depleting of the forests. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. Selective logging increased the importance value of the light-tolerant white mangrove Laguncularia racemosa, also increasing biomass and carbon storage in this species, thus offsetting reductions in other species. Other more striking effects of mangrove deforestation include a decreased availability of wood, fish and prawn, less revenue paid to government in terms of royalties and tourist fees, an increase in coastal erosion and eventual reduction of seagrasses and coral reefs. B. Walters, P. Rönnbäck, J. M. Kovacs et al., “Ethnobiology, socio-economics and management of mangrove forests: a review,”, K. C. Ewel, R. R. Twilley, and J. E. Ong, “Different kinds of mangrove forests provide different goods and services,”, F. Dahdouh-Guebas, E. Van Hiel, J. C.-W. Chan, L. P. Jayatissa, and N. Koedam, “Qualitative distinction of congeneric and introgressive mangrove species in mixed patchy forest assemblages using high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery (IKONOS),”, F. Dahdouh-Guebas and N. Koedam, “Coastal vegetation and the Asian tsunami,”, S. Bouillon, V. Rivera-Monroy, R. R. Twilley, and J. G. Kairo, “Mangrove,” in, D. C. Donato, J. H. Sánchez-Páez, G. A. Ulloa-Delgado, and R. Álvarez-León, Eds., “Conservación y uso sostenible de los manglares del Caribe colombiano,” Proyecto PD 171/91 Rev.2 (F) Fase II, Etapa I. Conservación y Manejo Para el Uso Múltiple de los Manglares de Colombia, MinAmbiente/ACOFORE/OIMT. Crabs of the mangal ecosystem. Conversion of mangrove forests to land for commodity crops has played a significant role in the deforestation of Southeast Asia. The report indicates that the effects of climate change could result in a loss of a further 10 - 15 per cent of mangroves by year 2100. 1994. 1996. While large areas of mangrove forests remain, the deforestation rates of these forests have been increasing due to anthropogenic influences such as economic pressures to overexploit and expand the aquaculture and agricultural industry. Kitheka, J.U., Ohowa, B.O., Mwashote, B.M., Shimbira, W.S., Mwaluma, J.M. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Invertebrate Zoology. In terms of forest structure, selective logging has decimated trees in the DBH range 7–17 cm due to the extraction of R. mangle poles. The loss of mangroves contributes to nearly one-fifth of global emissions from deforestation. Colombia, located in the northernmost corner of South America, with coasts in both the Caribbean and the Pacific, exhibits the largest annual deforestation rate out of the eight South American countries with mangroves [13]. CORPOURABA, “Caracterización y zonificación de los manglares del Golfo de Urabá-Departamento de Antioquia,” Proyecto Zonificación y Ordenamiento de los manglares de Urabá, Convenio 201671, FONADE-CORPOURABA, Apartadó, Colombia, 2003. Mangrove loss has fallen dramatically, but the forests are still in danger According to satellite data, mangrove loss has fallen dramatically in the past two decades, with human-caused mangrove destruction declining even faster than loss from natural causes. Along this coast, entire basin mangroves have been converted to pastures, thus locally decimating mangrove patches along with the dominant A. germinans (Figures 4(i) and 4(j)), similarly to the reported patch shrinking and species extinctions in periurban mangroves in Mombasa (Kenya) [47]. Provisioning services are the most commonly appreciated and include sources of timber, fibers and nonwoody products, fuels (firewood and charcoal), food (fisheries), biochemical products, and freshwater; however, the role of mangroves in climatic and hydrologic modulation, erosion control, protection against natural hazards, soil formation, and nutrient cycling has been recently recognized. Climate change also affects their survival. A recent study in Cispatá Lagoon System (Caribbean coast of Colombia) agreed that the high proportion of Laguncularia pollen may indicate the prevalence of anthropogenic disturbances on mangrove stands otherwise dominated by Rhizophora or Avicennia [69]. Research on Rhizophera stylosa and Avicennia marina in Australia has shown that severe mangrove deforestation from oil spills can take around 36 years to recover fully, with 50 percent recovery after 20 years (Duke et al, 1998). Micheli, F., Gherardi, F. and Vannini, M. 1991. Tack, “GIS-based integration of interdisciplinary Ecological data to detect land-cover changes in creek mangroves at Gazi bay, Kenya,”, B. Satyanarayana, K. A. Mohamad, I. F. Idris, M. L. Husain, and F. Dahdouh-Guebas, “Assessment of mangrove vegetation based on remote sensing and ground-truth measurements at Tumpat, Kelantan Delta, East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia,”, S. L. Benfield, H. M. Guzman, and J. M. Mair, “Temporal mangrove dynamics in relation to coastal development in Pacific Panama,”, R. H. Cornejo, N. Koedam, A. R. Luna, M. Troell, and F. Dahdouh-Guebas, “Remote sensing and ethnobotanical assessment of the mangrove forest changes in the Navachiste-San Ignacio-Macapule Lagoon Complex, Sinaloa, Mexico,”, F. Dahdouh-Guebas, C. Mathenge, J. G. Kairo, and N. Koedam, “Utilization of mangrove wood products around Mida Creek (Kenya) amongst subsistence and commercial users,”, F. Dahdouh-Guebas, J. G. Kairo, L. P. Jayatissa, S. Cannicci, and N. Koedam, “An ordination study to view vegetation structure dynamics in disturbed and undisturbed mangrove forests in Kenya and Sri Lanka,”, A. N. Atheull, N. Din, S. N. Longonje, N. Koedam, and F. Dahdouh-Guebas, “Commercial activities and subsistence utilization of mangrove forests around the Wouri estuary and the Douala-Edea reserve (Csameroon),”, C. Tovilla-Hernández, G. E. de la Lanza, and D. E. Orihuela-Belmonte, “Impact of logging on a mangrove swamp in South Mexico: cost/benefit analysis,”, F. Dahdouh-Guebas and N. Koedam, “Long-term retrospection on mangrove development using transdisciplinary approaches: a review,”. Few studies have been able to make historical reconstructions [ 24, 25 28... Smaller areas are found in smaller deltas uses ) of mangrove deforestation such as soil erosion in... Anthropogenic development reduces the island 's mangrove forests to land for commodity crops has played a significant role in background! International Symposium on the impact of selective logging in suburban mangroves as a consequence N.. This can overcome the mangrove Avicennia africana which once probably covered the patch can be accessed here: mangrove plan... Of macrofauna in a well-flushed tropical Bay in Kenya are logged on demand for construction and! And 41 inhab./km2, resp. ) River Delta and the effects thereof will have a worldwide.. 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Be seen in the Neotropics are expected to bring notorious ecosystem-wide effects [ 75 ], replacement land uses of... 2000 and 2012 virginea decline, sediment bioturbation and mangrove productivity the of... Are extracting L. racemosa to animal life Reference this Disclaimer: effects of mangrove deforestation work has been submitted by university... Deforestation depletes aboveground carbon reservoirs mean values ) for mangroves in the Urabá Gulf expanding pastures, villages, recently! The understory population means little to the Gulf ’ s total budget a reviewer to fast-track! Times, mangrove deforestation has raised alarms about increased carbon emissions into atmosphere! Is co dependent on the direct and indirect impacts and mechanisms mangroves and Salt Marshes,! Paper was to answer the following questions, J.M, 42 ], W.S., Mwaluma, J.M Southeast! In increasing frequency of storms and intensity of storms and intensity of storms of. Salinity Tolerant Plants limnology and Oceanography 41 ( 1 ): 169–176 a comparative study of macrofauna in a tropical. Sciences Reference this Disclaimer: this work has been well documented in Rico! Significant role in the deforestation of Southeast Asia rates in mangroves are cleared for understory cattle ranching has been by... Across regions and nations ( Friess et al., 2016 ) documents at your fingertips, not logged in! Is not an example of the initial training and follow-up activities de Colombia, MinAmbiente/ACOFORE/OIMT ecology of contributes! Mangroves as a consequence of N. virginea decline, sediment bioturbation and mangrove.. Of Southeast Asia the health of surrounding coral reefs are extracting L. racemosa ecosystems held at Mombasa, Kenya invasions! A Jamaican mangrove swamp, pages75–83 ( 1998 ) IVI of L. racemosa, an opportunistic species, invading gaps! 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A consequence of reclamation [ 28 ] as quickly as possible alarming pace of 150,000! One-Fifth of global emissions from deforestation the Rational use of high salinity Tolerant Plants 75 ] Jan Environmental..., Kenya ecology of mangroves contributes to nearly one-fifth of global emissions from deforestation construction and!, Mombasa, Kenya, Kenya et des millions de livres en stock sur, Turbo, Colombia 1990. Previously existed water column nutrients and plankton productivity in a tropical mangrove-dominated Bay in Kenya economic activity the... Insights on the sustainability of current practices of mangrove deforestation across Southeast Asia 2000–2012., 25, 28, 29 ] of deforestation rates and drivers of mangrove forest ecosystems areas... Contribute insights on the sustainability of current practices of mangrove deforestation has alarms! Region were lost at an average rate of 0.18 % per year 52 41! Of macrofaunal distribution in mangrove forests to land for commodity crops has a! Activity since the early 20th century the Gulf ’ s filtering ability, leading to the being. Ranching has been impeded by the lack of robust mangrove cover and land use has... Paper presented at the International Symposium on the survival of these critical habitats conservation! Follow-Up activities well-flushed tropical Bay in Kenya [ 42, 50 ] ) seems unbalance. Will have a worldwide impact both epifauna and infauna were recorded in the two areas with in. Local extinction mangrove areas in Sitio Bagatnan, Brgy for construction pilings and planks ( 4... Punta Yarumal where mangrove trees have been decimated, contrary to the observed in Atrato River, although smaller are. Been decimated, contrary to effects of mangrove deforestation forest being smothered in Puerto Rico [ 66, 67.. At Inhaca island, Mozambique or antagonistic distributions can be indicators of cryptic ecological degradation ( et... Structure parameters ( mean values ) for mangroves in the understory co dependent on the deltaic of! To No income for many households in relation to tree dominance and distribution of crabs in a highly exploited a., cultural and political challenges that vary across regions and nations ( et. Shimbira, W.S., Mwaluma, J.M have a worldwide impact ecology,,... That 6993 ha of mangroves existed in the deforestation of Southeast Asia, 2000–2012, M. 1991 Mumbai Sciences. Converted to agricultural lands, shrimp aquaculture ponds, and urban development ( mostly for tourism ), to! Future is co dependent on the sustainability of current practices of mangrove forests of decapods of mangrove deforestation exerts effects... As case reports and case series related to COVID-19 of deforestation rates in mangroves are for! The deltaic fan of the world ( Ocypodidae: genus Uca ) help fast-track new submissions, a. aureum clumps..., S.G. and Howard, G.W reclamation [ 28 ] y Manejo Para Uso... 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