Battle Analysis: Julius Caesar’s failed Invasion of Britain in 55 BC Not only did Julius Caesar want to be seen as protecting Rome’s interests and as a conqueror of lands but also if he invaded Britain in 55 BC, it would put him in a good position politically in the Senate. Revealed, where Julius Caesar veni vidi, vici'd: Landing site for invasions of Britain in 55 and 54 BC pinpointed for the first time . Despite two attempts to overtake Britain, Julius Caesar ultimately returned home emptyhanded. Aid and assistance by British Celts against Roman efforts in Gaul gave Caesar the excuse he needed to justify the undertaking, but … Although Julius Caesar's first two invasions between 55 and 54 B.C. First Invasion of Britain 55 BC. There are a number of reasons why Caesar invaded Britain:Britain was helping the French (then known as the Gauls) fight against the Romans. Almost a century later, in A.D. 43, Emperor Claudius officially invaded Britain, and by A.D. 87 the Roman conquest of Britain was mostly completed. The invasion of Britain was likely planned as early as 57 BC, and certainly by 56 BC. Prior to 55 BC he had already conquered Gaul (modern day France), adding a huge amount of land, wealth and In the late summer of 55 BC, Julius Caesar stood on the north coast of France and looked out over the Channel. Twice! As a result, Britain became increasingly Romanized by the time of Claudius’ invasion in 43CE, which resulted in the permanent Roman occupation of Britain. Julius Caesar had first invaded Britain in 55 B.C., but this wasn’t an official Roman attempt to conquer Britain. He is retired and lives in Kent. Caesar’s more successful second invasion was far better documented by both sides. Why did he Invade? His ships arrived at … Q: When did Rome conquer Britain? Some 30 miles across the water lay an island, which, according to travellers' tales was rich in pearls, lead, gold, and tin. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Roger Nolan is the author of Julius Caesar’s Invasion of Britain – Solving a 2000-Year-Old Mystery published by Frontline Books. were primarily intended as a preemptive strike against a Gaulish stronghold on the inland, it was not until about 100 years later that a full-scale Roman invasion led to an occupation that lasted almost 400 years. Julius Caesar claimed that he had to invade Britain to prevent the Gauls, who were currently under Roman occupation and still hostile to their new masters, from receiving aid from their allies across the channel. On the eve of the consular elections for 59 bce, the Senate sought to allot to the two future consuls for 59 bce, as their proconsular provinces, the unprofitable supervision of forests and cattle trails in Italy. The landing site for Julius Caesar’s invasion of Britain more than 2,000 years ago has been identified for the first time – in Kent. Julius Caesar - Julius Caesar - The first triumvirate and the conquest of Gaul: The value of the consulship lay in the lucrative provincial governorship to which it would normally lead. Caesar invaded in 55 & 54 BC. The underlying motives were probably more personal and politically inclined. He had some much fun he came back for more. Partly because Caesar loved invading places. Some historians doubted that an elephant was brought to Britain for Caesar’s second invasion, many thinking the story was confused with the Roman invasion proper of 43 AD. This was before he became the ruler of Rome. So he Invaded Britain?