title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, December 28, 2000
Bring On Global Warming

If we need an example of why global warming would be a good thing, this is it.

We are currently in the middle of the longest cold-ice-snow mess since our move out here in 1993. The one problem with living in the boonies is that we are now physically isolated from the outside world. Everything is completely covered with very slick ice, making it difficult to even do anything outside. Even the dogs are having hard time getting around, slipping all over the place. Quite amusing, until one of them breaks a leg.

Luckily, our phones and power are working fine. We had stocked up on firewood and filled our propane tank a few months ago, so we have plenty of heat. Except for the fact that we can't receive or send any snail-mail (including UPS and FedEx), I don't mind being up here by ourselves. Sherry is going crazy, wanting to get into town.

Of course, no mail service means that we have to wait to receive any more DVDs from NetFlix. We watched the ones we have here a week ago, but can't send them back.

Here are some Winter pictures of our place from a few years ago. It's actually a lot whiter and prettier right now, as long as we don't have to leave the main house.

This has obviously put me a bit behind with several projects; so I hope you understand. When it melts, I'll do my best to get caught up.


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