title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, October 03, 2002
With Friends Like These...

Although the people at the Post Office claim to be independent from the Federal government, they really aren't. They are a quasi-governmental unit with monopoly powers that are blatantly illegal in the private sector. With their constant whining about losing money and raising their rates every six months, you would think that the various Federal agencies would help support each other. That is why I have always felt it strange that the IRS chooses to use other delivery services for its shipments. Back in the days before CD-ROMs and the Web, I used to order blank forms in bulk from IRS. They would always be shipped via UPS.

Last week, I ordered some free small business CD-ROMs from the IRS website and they arrived this morning via FedEx. My guess is that, just as before, the IRS doesn't trust the USPS. Next time the Post Office bigwigs demand a rate increase, why can't our rulers see that more Federal agencies use their service? It's not like their standards are that high (close enough for government work, etc).


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