title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, July 10, 2003
The rich are already paying their fair share

Unpaid Taxes Take Their Toll. FirstPay Customers Learn the Dangers of Passing the Buck - I have seen this kind of thing happen on several occasions during my career. Payroll processing services keep the tax money instead of forwarding it to the State and Federal tax agencies. When the charade is exposed, the employers are then forced to pay the same taxes a second time.

State tax follies - Luckily, the higher State taxes aren't wiping out all of the savings from the recent Federal tax cuts for most people.

Low-Income Tax (aka Welfare) Break Loses Steam

Tax Credit (aka Welfare Payment) Is Forced to Vote to Embarrass Republicans

Tax cuts inflationary? That theory should be ancient history.

Left Turn. Is the GOP conservative? - A lot of us are wondering if the GOP is abandoning its conservative roots in pursuit of the moderates who are turned off by the increasingly communistic DemonRats.

Firms Had a Hand In Pension Plight (link to article expired)

Social Security numbers key to identity theft

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