title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, July 17, 2003
Turpentine Creek Property Tax Problem

Here is an article in the local paper on the back taxes issue. They don't dig into exactly what the motivation is for refusing to allow this legitimate charity to have the same exemption from property taxes as do other charities. It's probably the classic case where some snake wants to steal the property away for his/her own profit. It is in a very desirable and scenic location.

Just the fact that they charge admission is no reason to claim that Turpentine Creek is a for-profit business. It's hard to find a zoo, museum or park that doesn't have an admission fee, including government owned ones, which are technically already subsidized by our tax dollars. Hopefully, Turpentine Creek will be able to locate an attorney to do some pro bono work and appeal this bone-headed decision to a higher authority, and allow them to have the taxes they pay refunded.

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