title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Wednesday, August 06, 2003
State turns up heat on cigarette tax scofflaws - Another example of why I have never been worried about my career if the income tax were ever replaced with a sales tax. Any time there is a tax, there will be a battle between those who don't want to pay it and the collectors. As other types of taxes are raised, such as those on nicotine addicts, there will be attempts to avoid paying them.

Proposal Would Dock Officials' Pay When Budget Doesn't Pass - A novel idea; penalizing our elected rulers for not doing their jobs.

Report Cites I.R.S.'s Failure to Follow Up on Tax Cases - They're not acting against tax protestors as strongly as they need to if they expect to stop their influence from growing.

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