title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Monday, November 24, 2003
Tax repeal revs up PRC car dealerships - Funny how that works. Reduce taxes and encourage purchases. As I've already said on several occasions, the sales tax revenues from vehicle sales should more than offset the revenue loss caused by Arnold's repeal of the previous governor's tripling of the car tax.

Schwarzenegger raising fast funds -- and critics' ire - So much for Arnold's promise of an end to the standard practice of hustling for campaign contributions.

A bequest or a breach of trust? - Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens far too often with banks and attorneys literally stealing from the recently departed and decimating their wishes to leave things to their family members.

GOP Dishes Out Pork In Growing Portions

Alarms Sounded On Cost of GOP Bills

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