title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Sunday, December 07, 2003
2 Sides Differ on Size of Government

Republicans mock Gov. Warner's sales tax plan

$20,000 per Household: The Highest Level of Federal Spending Since World War II

IRS auditors visit the NEA - finally

GOP Divided Over Pushing Reform of Social Security

The high cost of busybodies: part IV - More on the idiocy of our rulers meddling in the forces of the free market. Such efforts to thwart the natural market forces are no more successful here in the USA than they have been in more openly Communist societies around the world.

Congress 'Piles on the Pork,' Group Says

Fight the Tax Abusers - With plenty of very simple and very legal methods of minimizing taxes, you won't find me defending the big CPA firms for selling scam tax shelter packages to their gullible clients.

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