title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Saturday, December 27, 2003
Oakland Mayor Brown Suggests Tax on Unhealthy Behaviors Could Generate Much Needed Revenue - His protege may be out of office, but Governor MoonBeam is still as crazy as ever.

Prosecutor: Humbug to Jurors' Holiday Cheer - She likes to pick juries when everyone is the worst mood possible; during tax season. Unfortunately for her, she can't choose from professional tax preparers during that season since we are exempted from service during our busiest time of the year.

Notorious e-mail scam snares Volusia retiree's nest egg - It's practically impossible to have any sympathy for someone stupid enough to fall for the long running Nigerian money laundering scam. The fact that this idiot lives in South Florida shouldn't be much of a surprise either.

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