title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Friday, May 21, 2004
News Catch-Up
I've been tied up for the past few days and unable to check as many news stories as I normally do; so some of these are a little older than is usually the case.

Bush's shaky base - Taking the conservative voters for granted and trying to buy votes from liberals could be a problem for Bush. As I've said many times before, sitting out the November election won't make as powerful statement to Bush about our disenchantment of his embrace of Big Government programs than actually registering a vote for a party that shares the conservative principles of small constitutionally justified government, which just happens to be the Libertarians.

Frist: Senate May Debate Tax Cut Budget

Attorney argues blacks don't owe income tax - This is even more idiotic than the ridiculous reparations argument some morons have been trying to pursue.

Who's profiting off high gas prices? Not the owner of the Kwik-E-Mart.

Legislation on IRS Collections Reflects Clashes Over Outsourcing - An issue that pops up regularly - using outside services to collect on unpaid taxes. Privacy and confidentiality issues still remain controversial.

Child Tax Credit Approval Caps Busy Month

Internet Lowers Real Estate Commissions - This is as it should be with information becoming more widely available.

A Scan of the Headline Scanners - A good look at some of the most popular ways to use the RSS feeds that are becoming more prevalent on the web. I have been very happy with my setup on the Bloglines service for the past several months.

Shrinking Government - The only way we can ever expect to see lower taxes.

Presidential Tax Returns - Actual copies of the 1040s from a number of presidents, as well as veep Dick Cheney.

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