title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Adjusting For Sec. 179


Subject: Section 179 Deduction

I'm hoping you can answer my question.  I work in a bank and I'm wondering about the effect of the 179 deduction on the company cash flow.  Is this considered a depreciation expense that can be added back to get traditional cash flow?  (net income + depreciation + interest expense)


Section 179 is essentially a form of accelerated depreciation and is usually included on the same expense line with regular depreciation expense, except for pass-through entities, where it is shown separately on the K-1s because of the individual-level limits . 

Any adjustments you make to book income to add back in depreciation expense should be sure to add back the Section 179 if it is not already included in the stated depreciation total.

Kerry Kerstetter



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