title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Saturday, September 02, 2006
News From WebCPA

Whatever happened to tax reform? – This perpetual political promise is no closer to reality than it’s ever been. In fact, as always, we are continuing to move in the complete opposite direction, guaranteeing an increasing and never-ending workload for those of us in the tax profession.

GAO: Reforming the tax system will close tax gap – Duh!

Finding a safe pair of hands – Succession planning for the continuation of small businesses is often overlooked.

TIGTA: IRS must work on high-income return audits
– For obvious reasons, the higher your AGI, the larger the bullseye on your back.

QuickBooks and Write-Up: Shifting Roles – It seems so counter-productive to have clients use QB for their bookkeeping and then CPAs use a completely different program to prepare financial statements, when everyone could very easily use the same QB files.

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