title>Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter Wizard Animation


Tax Guru-Ker$tetter Letter
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Section 179 Webinar

Since it is one of the largest potential deductions available on income tax returns, the Section 179 expensing election generates a lot of email from people who are confused about it.  In the last few months, I have been receiving at least one each day, often from salespeople who are looking for ways to induce their customers to buy more products.  These sales pitches often include a flyer or short article on the benefits of Section 179. 

I am still plowing through a massive backlog of email, and I noticed one yesterday from a scientific equipment company promoting a free online seminar on December 2 presented by a CPA on what they call “Tax Code 179.”   It appears to be open to anyone and aimed more for small business owners than for tax professionals.  It doesn't appear to qualify for CPE for tax pros; but it may still be useful for the newer ones.

I have no connection with any of the parties involved and don’t even know how I go on that particular mailing list.  I am passing it along in the hope that some folks will check it out and not need to send me so many repetitive questions on the issues of Section 179.  You can sign up for this webinar at Gerber Scientific Products’ website:


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